Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just one more thing......

Well I should be in bed but here I am checking my blog. Could this be an addiction? I think I just really need an outlet and this is it for me. Jon thinks I am crazy but yet he is the first to ask "do we have any comments"? I just want to say thanks for the comments it was so uplifting to read. I want to share a scripture that I came across about a month ago when we just started this whole process. I don't want to sound cheesy but it meant so much to me at a time when I really needed to know if we were doing the right thing. I have been reading Doctor and Covenants and just happened to come across this scripture on a day I really needed some reassurance. It is D&C 11:10-14. Look it up if you want. It brought me so much peace.
Crazy to think our little embryos start growing tomorrow. What usually happens inside the body when you get pregnant is happening for me just out side my body in a petree dish an hour away from where I will be. CRAZY! I am so amazed that it is even possible.


Anonymous said...

Kim & Jon, We are so excited for you guys. We will be thinking of you guys all day. We love ya!
Brooke and Steve

Amy and Kody said...

Wow the day is finally here. Good Luck!!! We hope everything goes great. Luv Ya!

Ginger said...

Kim and Jon - You are in our prayers and we hope everything goes as planned! What a great blessing modern medicine is! Love you!