Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well we got the phone call this morning that 11 embryos are still growing. So we have decided to grow them to day 5. This is really exciting news and we are so happy. Four out of the 11 look a little stronger than the rest so hopefully at least those four will make it to day 5 so we will have some to freeze. But all we really need is two. I just can't believe how well everything is going. We have definitely seen the Lords hand in all of this. From the timing to being able to go to day 5. This will give us a 70% chance of conceiving. Considering a normal couple only has a 15% chance each month to get pregnant we feel pretty good with our 70%. So now we just need to pray that they will continue to grow and that it will work!


Amy and Kody said...

That is so great! We will pray with you.

Anonymous said...

Kim I'm so excited for you! Your in my thoughts daily.

TIDWELLS said...

Hi sis thanks for meeting us at the fun center today. I am so excited for you and your family you are both the best parents ever and deserve all the happiness in the world. I am here for you for whatever you need please let me help and take the kids I want you in bed for a week... I love you guys.

Dan and Stacy said...

Good Luck Jon and Kim. We will be praying for you!!!!!